6 Common Linux Commands for System Monitoring

When it comes to working with unix systems monitoring them plays a very significant role. Whether it’s monitoring the resource utilisation or network utilisation, you need to figure out what the system is actually doing. In this article I’ve aggregated a list of the most common linux commands used for monitoring the current state of the system. On a system with GUI, you can achieve this using a Task Manager or Activity Monitor....

July 21, 2019 · 7 min · Hemant Kumar

Basic Linux Commands for File Manipulation and Compression

When you work with linux or any unix based operating system, everything is treated as a file. Be it the directories, source code files, binaries, or anything else, everything is stored as a file in linux. You can trying opening  a directory in vim (using the command vim office_work_directory) to see what happens. I would recommend against directly editing a directory file though. It’s just fun to see what is actually stored in a directory file....

April 20, 2019 · 12 min · Hemant Kumar